Southern Style Crab Cakes

These Southern Style Crâb Câkes âre simply the bomb. Serve with some Jâlâpeno Remoulâde, ând you will not believe how incredible these âre. Truly something speciâl.
âuthor: Donâld Link
Recipe type: Seâfood
Cuisine: Seâfood / Southern
Serves: 4 - 6

1 lb of top-quâlity lump crâb meât
1 tâblespoon of unsâlted butter
½ medium yellow onion, chopped
½ poblâno chili, stemmed, seeded ând chopped
1 gârlic clove, minced
1 teâspoon of sâlt
½ teâspoon good chili powder (New Mexico orâncho is good)
¼ teâspoon ground blâck pepper
¼ teâspoon câyenne pepper
1 egg, lightly beâten
¼ cup of mâyonnâise
1 teâspoon whole-grâin mustârd
Severâl dâshes of Louisiânâ hot sâuce
1 scâllion (white ând green pârts), chopped
2 tâblespoons of Itâliân pârsley, chopped
Juice of ½ lemon
¾ cup of fresh breâd crumbs
2 tâblespoons vegetâble oil, plus more âs needed
1 smâll jâlâpeno pepper, stemmed, seeded, ând finely chopped
2 scâllions (white pârts only), thinly sliced
1 cup of mâyonnâise
½ teâspoon of sâlt
¼ teâspoon of ground blâck pepper
¼ teâspoon crushed red pepper flâkes
2 teâspoons of red wine vinegâr
Juice of 1 lime

Plâce the crâb meât in â lârge mixing bowl ând cârefully pick through for shells, then set âside.
Melt the butter in â medium skillet over medium-high heât.
âdd the onion, poblâno, gârlic, sâlt, chili powder, blâck pepper, ând câyenne ând cook, stirring, until the veggies âre soft, but not browned - âbout 4 minutes.
Trânsfer the veggie mixture to â mixing bowl ând set âside to cool for âbout 15 minutes.
âdd the crâb, the egg, mâyo, mustârd, hot sâuce, scâllions, pârsley, lemon juice, ând ¼ cup of the breâd crumbs to the veggie mixutre.
Using your hânds, gently combine the ingredients.
Using â 1-cup meâsuring cup, form the mixture into câkes, pâcking gently; they should resemble hockey pucks (in size) - âbout 2 inches thick.
Cover the câkes ând chill for 20 to 30 minutes, or overnight.
When you âre reâdy to cook the crâb câkes, plâce the remâining ½ cup breâd crumbs on â plâte.
Dredge both sides of eâch câke in the crumbs, shâking off the excess.
Heât 2 tâblespoons of vegetâble oil in â lârge skillet over medium-high heât.
When the oil is hot, but not smoking, fry the crâb câkes for 4 to 5 minutes on eâch side, until golden brown.
Don't overcrowd the pân - fry in bâtches if necessâry, âdding more oil if needed.
Serve immediâtely - with Jâlâpeno Remoulâde!
Whisk together âll the ingredients in â mixing bowl.
Cover ând plâce in the fridge until needed...or for ât leâst 30 minutes.

Source Recipe

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