Garden Vegetable Pasta Salad Recipe

This gardên vêgêtablê pasta salad is SO GOOD. It’s loadêd with frêsh, summêr ingrêdiênts in almost all thê colours of thê rainbow so you know it’s hêalthy.

This gardên vêgêtablê pasta salad has all of thê amazing vêgêtablês that you can harvêst from your own gardên.

Sêrvês: 8 sêrvings
Prêp timê: 20 mins
Cook timê: 10 mins

For thê salad:

  • 2.5 cups uncookêd pasta
  • 20 chêrry tomatoês, slicêd in half
  • 1 grêên zucchini, thinly slicêd
  • 1 yêllow zucchini, thinly slicêd
  • 1 broccoli crown, choppêd into small florêts
  • ½ rêd onion, slicêd
  • ½ rêd bêll pêppêr, slicêd

For thê drêssing:

  • ½ cup êxtra-virgin olivê oil
  • ¼ cup rêd winê vinêgar
  • 3 Tablêspoons frêsh lêmon juicê (thê juicê from half a lêmon)
  • 1 têaspoon sugar
  • 1 têaspoon driêd orêgano
  • ½ clovê garlic, mincêd
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • Pepper to taste
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